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DC Heating And Cooling

Jun 14

Geothermal Heating & Cooling: Why it's a Good Idea

Heating and cooling systems that use traditional DC heating and cooling require substantial energy inputs to maintain the desired temperature. Heat pumps work more efficiently than other heating and cooling systems. They use less energy to maintain your home's comfort. Geothermal heating systems and cooling systems use heat to regulate temperature. They bring the warmth of the Earth into your home in winter and remove heat from it to store it underground in summer. This method has many long-term advantages and can save you money in the long term.

Geothermal Heat pumps are less expensive to operate

Geothermal cooling and heating systems require electricity to work, but this is much less than traditional HVAC systems. Your geothermal heat pumps will be more economical to operate in the summer than in the winter. This allows you to keep your home cool and save on cooling and heating costs. Geothermal heat pumps can be installed and used to save around 20-50% on cooling costs and 30-60% on heating costs over the life of the system.

Geothermal Heat pumps Reduce Carbon Emissions

Combustion furnaces burn fuel like oil or gas to produce heat by combustion. There are many byproducts of combustion, including greenhouse gasses. Geothermal heating systems and cooling systems reduce the number of greenhouse gasses and carbon emissions that are associated with heating a home. Even though the electricity required to heat your geothermal heating system is still generated from combustion, it will produce less carbon dioxide to make your lifestyle more sustainable.

Geothermal Heat pumps are versatile and long-lasting

Geothermal heat pumps can be used to heat and cool your home year-round. Geothermal cooling and heating systems can be installed in your home to replace your furnace and air conditioner. You'll only have one HVAC system to maintain over the years, which reduces HVAC maintenance costs. Geothermal cooling and heating systems also have a longer functional life span than conventional cooling and heating equipment. Geothermal heat pumps can last up to 25 years before needing replacement, whereas an air conditioner or furnace might last for 10-15 years. Your geothermal cooling and heating system's ground loop will last at least 50 years before needing to be replaced.

Are you interested to learn more about geothermal cooling and heating systems? This amazing technology can be integrated into your Detroit home by us. Please visit our website to see all of the cooling and heating services we offer. Our HVAC specialists will gladly help you assess your lifestyle and comfort requirements to find the best system to save energy year after year. For more information, tips, and news on heating and cooling, you can visit our blog.


Washington HVAC Boss

Washington DC

(202) 980 8310